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3 Natural Eczema Treatments (Info You Should Know)

There are a number of natural eczema treatments that you can use trial and error on to find the ones that work for you. You will find that while not every eczema treatment suits everyone, you will find a number of them that will work for you, and help you to get long term control over eczema. Here are three of them out of a long list of reliable treatments.

Natural vs. Synthetic

I think that it is important for me to tell you that just because something is natural, that does not mean that it is good for you. It only becomes good for you when you are applying it correctly. For example, table salt is a natural salt, but if you put it on your skin it will pull moisture out of it. But eczema bath salts when applied give moisture to the skin.

Wet Wraps

Wet wraps are a natural treatment. The process for using a wet wrap is to first use a treated bath, and then wrap the places that are affected by eczema with a bandage that has been soaked in lukewarm or room temperature water. The wraps help the skin to gather moisture as well as to provide a buffer against the effects of scratching. When wet wraps are used there are fewer incidences of the lesions becoming infected.

Nutritional Supplements

Nutritional supplements are used to help make up for any deficiencies that the body may be short of. Try virgin coconut oil, and vitamins C and E for help with eczema relief. They will work to repair any damaged skin cells, as well as promote internal chemical reactions that will rehydrate the skin using internal methods.

Remove dust

If you have the atopic brand of eczema you should know that dust is one of your primary enemies. The dust mite lives in fibrous materials that can trap dust. One of the best things you can do is treat your bed for dust mites. Treating the bed for dust mites will eradicate the largest source of dust mite pollution inside your home.

You will also want to remove carpeting, cloth draperies and use leather furniture or furniture that are relatively impenetrable that does not give the dust mite a place to burrow and hide from you.

You can also consider putting your clothes in the deep freeze overnight before washing them so that you can kill all of the mites that are in them. Dust mites are not noticeable to the unassisted human eye, but they are everywhere.

And now I would like to offer you access to information that you really should know about. 2 Very Common Eczema Treatments; 1 Very Good, 1 Very Bad when you subscribe to Eczema Free, a biweekly eczema tip sheet. You can get it right here Eczema Treatments

Are you really interested in properly treating your eczema; stopping the itch and reducing flare-ups? Here is your answer. You really should know about EczemaBathSalts too.

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