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Arthritis - What Are the Natural Treatment Options?

These days, several treatment options are available for arthritis. Hence, one does not need to curse oneself or sit in despair due to arthritis.

Here is an explanation of some of the most common treatments available for people with different types of arthritis:

a) Massage therapy

This is considered to be one of the best ways to treat arthritis. It eases the pair of arthritis effectively. Under this treatment, the emphasis is given on the stiffness related to arthritis. Usually all doctors recommend this therapy to their patients. A research indicates that a massage therapy tends to reduce maximum amount of stress hormones and even help providing great relief from depressions.

The main benefit of this treatment is that you can get a lot of relief from muscle pain and spasms in the joints and the joint tissue. This type of arthritis treatment tends to release endorphins or body's natural pain relievers. This tends to improve quality of sleep at night and even enhances the immune system.

b) Acupuncture and acupressure treatment

Acupuncture and acupressure are Chinese treatments for pain relief. These are ancient treatment and have been existing for a long time now. These treatments have gained a lot of popularity in the United States. It is widely used as a complementary therapy to arthritis these days.

During the acupressure treatment the practitioner uses fingers at different points as the body. This releases pain relieving hormones known as endorphins. When giving the treatment of acupuncture to the patients for arthritis, the practitioner inserts needles at special acupressure points.

c) Herbs and supplement treatment

Herbs and supplements are considered to be excellent remedies for arthritis. In fact, these days, people are turning to these options as a complimentary treatment for arthritis.

People are turning to these remedies because these are natural. Herbs and supplements work towards reducing the pain as well as inflammation. However, herbs and supplements should be taken as directed by the health care practitioner.

d) Prayer and spirituality treatment

According to a study, it has been proved that prayer or certain type of spirituality can be used for treating arthritis. It has also shown certain behavioral change and relief from pain.

e) Exercises

Exercises are very important for people with arthritis. This is because it provides a lot of benefits to the joints. Moving joints frequently would keep them mobile. This also tends to transport nutrients and waste products to and from the cartilage.

Here are some of the benefits people with arthritis can enjoy via exercising:

a) Increase in energy levels

b) Development of a better sleep pattern

c) Control over body weight

d) Maintenance of healthy heart

e) Enhancement in muscle and bone strength

f) Reduces depression and fatigue

g) Enhances self esteem and self confidence

With so many treatment options available for arthritis, you can easily reduce pain and have a more healthy life.

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1 comment:

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