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Top 5 Ways to Beat Today's High Gas Prices

Usually most of us would abide by comments such as "don't worry", "stay calm", and "don't panic", but things have drastically changed. When the subject is gas prices, you have the green light to flip out and go downright crazy!

Truth is, we're all screwed and there's not much we can do about the ridiculously high price of gas these days. But in honor of the bright side (which we've heard there's one to every situation), we've outlined the top 5 things you can do to save money on gas. If you're not the sharpest tool in the shed, read on at your own risk. We hope you enjoy these ideas as much as we enjoyed putting them together.

#5) Run your engine on dirty bath water:
With all the news hyping everything from corn, to potatoes, to used McDonalds cooking oil, we figured we'd "make up" our own sensational fuel resource. Hell, everything else seems to work, so why not try running your engine on old, dirty bath water? At over $4 a gallon for real gas, it could be worth a shot. By the way, if you're crazy enough to try it, blame yourself in advance for the damage you cause to your engine.

#4) Try to carpool with George W. Bush:
Do you think that guy really pays for any gas? Probably not. And the more you think about his modes of transportation, the more soar the subject becomes. It's safe to say large jet airplanes and helicopters use a hell-of-a-lot more fuel than an average car. If you can handle an afternoon of "Bushisms" and 9th grade level conversation (without scripted speeches), maybe you can hitch a ride cross country with George himself. Then again, if gas prices plummeted as much as his national approval rating, we'd be back down to $1.59 a gallon.

#3) Use a blow torch to break into a gas pump at your local gas station:
Can you say "idiot"? High gas prices are already bringing out the gas thieves, each using their own unique methods for stealing gas. If there's an advanced college degree for gas thievery, one student certainly missed way too many classes. June 2008 was full of such stories in the news, but one stood out. Why on earth would anyone attempt to use a superheated stream of fire to break into a gas pump - your guess is as good as ours.

#2) Stop Paying Your Parking Tickets:
When I was in my early 20's, I had a few parking tickets that I uhh, umm, well - forgot to pay. I thought "wow, parking tickets are no big deal because you really don't have to pay them". Years later, long removed from my unpaid meter maid love notes, I went to the motor vehicles office to renew my license. After waiting my turn for nearly an hour, my license renewal was rejected because of those forgotten parking tickets. No valid license = no legal driving. I actually did save lots of money on gas for about two weeks until I paid my tickets and renewed my license. It actually works, but if you're considering this, you probably don't deserve a license anyway.

#1) Do the only realistic thing on this list - Order a Gas Credit Card at
Get a gasoline credit card at a top credit card web site featuring great deals on gas credit cards. The use of these gas credit cards will earn you significant bonuses and rebates towards future gas purchases. At today's ridiculous prices, every little bit helps. While some people are driving all over town looking for the lowest price, you can just use your gas credit card at any gas station and know you're getting a discount or reward in one way or another to offset the high gas price.

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